Eight years of competitive adaptations in paulista handball federation: a documentary study of sub-14 category





Competition is a context where interventions can promote their transformation into a learning environment. The youth handball in the state of São Paulo is a rich source for research and adaptations are observed for competitions between 11 and 14 years old. The aim of this research is analyzethe competitive adaptations of u-14 competitions of the Paulista Handball Federation between 2011-2018 through documentary research. Difficulties are illustrated by the constant insertion and deletion of regulatory items over the years. The defensive adaptations are the most important and are followed by conflicts related to situations of numerical defensive inferiority, fake goalkeeper and free throws, which are associated with the compulsory use of individual defense and the prohibition of the use of 6: 0 and mixed defenses.

Author Biographies

Lucas Leonardo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Mestre em Educação Física e Sociedade. Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FEF/UNICAMP). Campinas/São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: lucasleo@gmail.com

Av. Érico Veríssimo, 701 - Barão Geraldo, Campinas-SP. CEP 13083-851 Telefone: 19 3521-6609

Alcides José Scaglia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Doutor em Pedagogia do Movimento. Professor curso de Ciências do Esporte na Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (FCA/UNICAMP). Limeira/São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: alcides.scaglia@fca.unicamp.br


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How to Cite

Leonardo, L., & Scaglia, A. J. (2018). Eight years of competitive adaptations in paulista handball federation: a documentary study of sub-14 category. Motrivivência, 30(55), 75–92. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8042.2018v30n55p75



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