
  • Nova edição publicada


    A Revista Mundos do Trabalho informa que concluiu a publicação do volume 15 (2023). Leitores e leitoras têm acesso a 42 textos assim distribuídos: Editorial e 9 artigos na seção livre. No dossiê “Relações raciais e racismo nos mundos do trabalho”, organizado por Paulo Cruz Terra e Robério Santos Souza, 10 submissões. No dossiê “Vivendo nas minas: mineração e mundos do trabalho nos séculos XV-XVIII", organizado por Crislayne Gloss Marão Alfagali e Fidel Rodríguez Velásquez, foram publicados 8 textos. Na seção Debates "Biografia, Lula e a História Social do Trabalho: debates em torno de 'Lula e a Política da Astúcia' de John French", organizada por Paulo Fontes, publicamos mais 4 textos. Além de 10 resenhas.

    O volume marca a primeira edição publicada pela nova equipe editorial formada por: Felipe Azevedo e Souza, editor-chefe, David Patrício Lacerda e María Verónica Secreto, editores adjuntos. A nova editoria de resenhas é ocupada por Paulo Fontes e Beatriz Mamigonian. Aldrin Castellucci que passa a desempenhar o papel de editor sênior. Além de Maria Luiza Péres que é assistente de comunicação editorial.

    A equipe editorial agradece ao valioso trabalho voluntário desempenhado com rigor e generosidade por pareceristas, e também a autores e autoras que submeteram suas pesquisas originais ao nosso periódico.

    A presente edição da Revista Mundos do Trabalho é dedicada à memória de Ana Paula Palamartchuk.

    Link para o volume:

    Desejamos uma ótima leitura!

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  • Cfp: Labor’s Environments and Environments of Labor: A Special Issue of Mundos do Trabalho


    We invite submissions to a special issue of the journal Mundos do Trabalho, titled “Labor’s Environments and Environments of Labor.” Seeking connections, overlaps, and synergies between labor history and environmental history, the issue should simultaneously open new ground at these sub-field intersections and showcase the diversity and achievements of environmental history to an audience primarily of labor historians. A series of debates on labor and environmental history’s reverberations gained momentum about twenty years ago with the work of Steve Marquardt, Myrna Santiago, and others. We hope to build on the dialogue that has unfolded since.


    Articles might pursue themes such as labor and the body; gender, sexuality, and landscape; (dis)ability and work environments; public health in the workplace; extractivism and working conditions; nature and forced labor; water and labor; workers in landscapes of industrialization and deindustrialization; commodity frontiers; and much more. We seek contributions from scholars around the world, with a particular preference for those working in and on the Global South. We hope that a broad and diverse group of scholars will submit articles about a rich range of environments and social constructions that engage with the full extent of human labor. We propose no restrictions regarding geography or periodization; on the contrary, we hope to assemble a portfolio with great temporal and geographic reach.


    An open-access journal, Mundos do Trabalho is a cooperative project between Brazil’s National Labor History Association, the Worlds of Labor Working Group of the National History Association, and the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The journal enjoys the highest ranking (A1) in History in Brazil’s Qualis/CAPES system and publishes articles in Portuguese, Spanish, and English written by historians from around the world.


    The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2024.

    Read more about Cfp: Labor’s Environments and Environments of Labor: A Special Issue of Mundos do Trabalho
  • Call for papers - Dossier Afro-Americas: race, work and rights - Revista Mundos do Trabalho, v. 16 (2024)


    In addition to articles (in Portuguese, Spanish or English) in a continuous flow, reviews and interviews, Mundos do Trabalho has an open call for articles for the thematic dossier indicated below.


    The construction of the idea of race and anti-black racism across the American continent have been investigated in works that analyze slavery, freedom, racialization processes, political mobilization and struggles for rights. Although there is growing interest in these areas of research, there is still ample room to expand and deepen our understanding of these complex issues. In partnership with the Worlds of Work WG, the Afro-Americas WG invites papers for publication in the Afro-Americas Dossier: race, work and rights. We welcome articles that address the intertwining of race, racism and labor relations in slavery and freedom in the Americas.


    Topics of interest

    We encourage the submission of articles that address a variety of topics related to this theme, including, but not limited to:

    - Racialization and slavery: how the construction of the idea of race influenced the institution of slavery in the Americas and how racial categories were used to justify exploitation.

    - Struggles for freedom and rights: the historical African-American struggles for freedom and recognition of rights, highlighting the challenges faced and the strategies adopted.

    - Racism and labor relations in the post-emancipation period: how racism persisted in labor relations after the abolition of slavery, impacting access to employment, social mobility and economic opportunities.

    - Political mobilization and activism: the role of African-American organizations and associations and their political struggles throughout history, including activism for civil and economic rights.

    - Black intellectuality: the intellectual, cultural and academic contributions of African-American and racialized communities, highlighting intellectual movements and their influence on society.



    Iacy Maia Mata (UFBA)

    Ynaê Lopes dos Santos (UFF)

    Waldomiro Lourenço da Silva Júnior (UFSC)

    Read more about Call for papers - Dossier Afro-Americas: race, work and rights - Revista Mundos do Trabalho, v. 16 (2024)
  • Anúncio de nova Equipe Editorial


    Após resolução da última assembléia geral da Associação Nacional de História do Trabalho, a Revista Mundos do Trabalho passou por uma renovação em seus quadros editoriais. Confira abaixo as mudanças no Cômite Editorial Executivo e o estabelecimento de uma Editoria de Resenhas.


    Comitê Editorial Executivo

    Felipe Azevedo e Souza, Editor-Chefe, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brasil

    Aldrin Castellucci, Editor Sênior, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Brasil

    David Patrício Lacerda, Editor Adjunto, Afro-CEBRAP, Brasil

    María Verónica Secreto, Editora Adjunta, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brasil

    Editoria de Resenhas

    Beatriz Mamigonian, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brasil

    Paulo Fontes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brasil

    Read more about Anúncio de nova Equipe Editorial
  • Nova edição publicada


    A Revista Mundos do Trabalho informa que concluiu a publicação do volume 14 (2022). Leitores e leitoras têm acesso a 35 textos: Editorial, 8 artigos na seção livre, 7 no dossiê “Os mundos do trabalho nas rotas marítimas da liberdade” (contando a apresentação), organizado por Antonio Luigi Negro, Felipe Azevedo e Souza, 13 no dossiê “O PCB e os mundos do trabalho” (contando a apresentação), organizado por Paulo Fontes e Edilene Toledo, e 6 resenhas. Link para o volume:

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  • Novos artigos publicados


    Prezados(as) leitores(as):

    A Revista Mundos do Trabalho acabou de disponibilizar novos artigos em seu volume de publicação contínua deste ano. Convidamos-lhes a visitar nosso site e conferir os artigos e outros itens de seu interesse.

    Obrigado pelo interesse em nosso trabalho,

    Equipe Editorial, Revista Mundos do Trabalho

    Read more about Novos artigos publicados
  • Call for papers - PCB and the worlds of labour, edited by Edilene Toledo (Unifesp) and Paulo Fontes (UFRJ)


    Mundos do Trabalho announces a call for papers for the dossier PCB and the worlds of labour, edited by Edilene Toledo (Unifesp) and Paulo Fontes (UFRJ). The dossier will be published in volume 14 in 2022. Submit your original contribution in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. The deadline is May 1st, 2022.

    On the 100th anniversary of the foundation the Communist Party of Brazil (PCB), this dossier is open to articles that analyze the complex relationships between its long and tumultuous trajectory and the experiences of the Brazilian working-class. Throughout the 20th century, the PCB was a fundamental actor in the world of workers’ politics and in its organizational dynamics, both in the rural and urbans areas. This dossier is interested in original research that emphasizes a perspective from below, highlighting the role of communist workers in the workplace, in the labor movements, in social movements, in the workers’ communities and neighborhoods and in political and electoral life in general. Analyzes that problematize, in an historical perspective, the relations and debates carried out by the Communists on themes such as class, gender, race, regional origins, generations, culture, among others, are also welcome. The dynamics established by the PCB with other political currents active in the labor movement are also of interest of the dossier, as well as its relations with the ruling classes and the State. Proposals that analyze the PCB and the words of work in their transnational and comparative dimensions will also be considered.

    Read more about Call for papers - PCB and the worlds of labour, edited by Edilene Toledo (Unifesp) and Paulo Fontes (UFRJ)
  • Call for papers - Dossier "The worlds of labour on maritime routes of freedom, edited by Antonio Luigi Negro (UFBa) and Felipe Azevedo e Souza (PUC-Rio)


    Call for papers

    Mundos do Trabalho announces a call for papers for the dossier The worlds of labour on maritime routes of freedom, edited by Antonio Luigi Negro (UFBa) and Felipe Azevedo e Souza (PUC-Rio). The dossier will be published in volume 14 in 2022. Submit your original contribution in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. The deadline is March 31, 2022.

    The brutal dynamics of slavery and other worlds of labor were, over the centuries, constantly challenged by workers' actions of bravery and rebellion. In this dossier, strategies of struggle with an appeal to sea routes will be highlighted. The importance of saltwater itineraries for the conquest of freedom and new rights appears as an outstanding field of studies that are experiencing a relevant renewal. Paths opened by the digitalization of large collections have fostered the development of a new wave of connected, global, transnational studies. The dossier The worlds of labour on maritime routes of freedom invites original research on how those from below took advantage of these routes: whether through individual or collective escapes, through cooperation with port or ship workers, through the flow of ideas and news. We are in search for studies that, in short, address how the maritime routes were also taken as spaces for workers' action.


    Read more about Call for papers - Dossier "The worlds of labour on maritime routes of freedom, edited by Antonio Luigi Negro (UFBa) and Felipe Azevedo e Souza (PUC-Rio)
  • Chamada de artigos para dossiê temático - Volume 13 (2021)


    Título do dossiê: Entre assistências e conflitos: políticas empresariais nas comunidades operárias da América Latina no século XX

    Organização: Silvana Palermo (UNGS-CONICET), Andrea Andújar (CONICET-IIEGE/UBA)

    Atenção: A data para submissão de artigos (em português, espanhol ou inglês) para esse dossiê foi prorrogada até 20/04/2021.

    Read more about Chamada de artigos para dossiê temático - Volume 13 (2021)
  • Chamada de artigos para dossiês temáticos - Volume 12 (2020)


    Chamada de artigos para dossiês temáticos - Volume 12 (2020)

    Dossiê: "Trabalhadores de construção: por estradas, ferrovias, açudes e outras obras".

    Organização: Tyrone Cândido (UECE) e Robério Souza (UNEB)

    Dossiê: "Os mundos do trabalho e suas interfaces com a ciência, a saúde e a doença”

    Organização: Ricardo dos Santos Batista (UNEB), Gabriela dos Reis Sampaio (UFBA)

    Read more about Chamada de artigos para dossiês temáticos - Volume 12 (2020)