The defensive evaluation in the “CAPES evaluation model”: Is it possible to conciliate educational evaluation with State´s processes of regulation and control?


  • Valdemar Sguissardi Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba-UNIMEP



This article, based on studies by specialists, documents about  the issue and the author’s personal experience, responds to  some questions about the “Capes Evaluation Model”. Is it  strictly speaking an evaluation or does it involve regulatory  actions and procedures, control and accreditation, that are the
responsibility of a financing agency for graduate studies that  guarantees the legal validity of diplomas and titles? How
does this regulatory and control model help the university to  become an increasingly more neo-professional, heteronomous  and competitive institution? What are the consequences
for higher education of a “model” that emphasizes the training  of researchers, by quantitative measuring and evaluation
of scientific production, in detriment to the “integral” education  of the graduate student? What space is occupied in this
model by freedom of choice, selfevaluation or the so-called  educational evaluation or educational diagnosis?
How can this type of evaluation be conciliated with evaluation  related to processes of state regulation and control?

Author Biography

Valdemar Sguissardi, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba-UNIMEP

Licenciado em Filosofia pela UNIJUI (1966), mestrado em Science de l'Éducation - Université de PARIS X, Nanterre (1972) e doutorado em Sciences de l'Éducation - Université de Paris X, Nanterre (1976). Professor Titular aposentado da UFSCAR.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.



How to Cite

Sguissardi, V. (2006). The defensive evaluation in the “CAPES evaluation model”: Is it possible to conciliate educational evaluation with State´s processes of regulation and control?. Perspectiva, 24(1), 49–88.