Schools and internet: spaces for civic education




In face of the recent social crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is an urgent task for the field to revisit the fundamentals of education in digital culture to enhance an emancipatory perspective of education today. Despite the promise of democratic expansion brought by the internet and other digital information and communication technologies, what we are seeing is a reconfiguration of the cultural industry due to the proliferation of hate speech, fake news, digital political marketing, data capitalism, and other forms of violence on digital networks. The task of research in education at the moment is to reflect and enunciate the challenges posed by the integration of technologies in everyday life while looking for spaces of possibility for the existence and critical formation of citizens in the context of digital culture. The article elaborates a theoretical reflection to consolidate the bases of another educational paradigm based on human rights education in a school connected with the world. From a critical perspective, it proposes that education deals with the critical reading of the media, but also with experimenting with forms of creative appropriation that educate subjects as authors and producers of their history.

Author Biographies

Andrea Brandão Lapa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Doutora em Educação - Linha de pesquisa: Educação e Comunicação - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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How to Cite

Lapa, A. B., & Coelho, I. C. (2021). Schools and internet: spaces for civic education. Perspectiva, 39(3), 1–19.



Dossiê Educação, Direitos Humanos e Ética Hacker