Life stories and experiential learning of retired adults




Experiential learning, Life histories, Retired adults


In contemporary society, the extension of average life expectancy was reflected in the increase in the number of retired adults. This article aims to analyze experiential learning processes of retired adults, based on their life stories. The analysis is based on empirical data resulting from biographical research with six adults over the age of 60, living in Brazil. The interviews were subject to thematic content analysis. The procedures and ethical principles required in this type of research were adopted. The biographical approach enabled the comprehension of the narratives of life stories, of the way in which subjects across their experiences, especially those they considered most significant in their training. The research results point to very diversified life experiences and significant moments that interfere in the learning of the individual, namely, in way of thinking and acting, as well as in identity and, sometimes, spirituality. The influences of the school and parents in the life history and in the learning are recognized by the participants. In childhood, relationships marked by heteronomy with the family predominate and, progressively, there is an attempt to predominate autonomy, even when this implies different or even contrary decisions to those expected by the parents. Experiential learning results from the uniqueness of the life history and the way each subject (re)appropriates and (re)elaborates the experience, which originates the process of individuation

Author Biographies

Maria das Neves Silva, University of Lisbon

Mestra em Educação e Formação, na especialidade de Desenvolvimento Social e Cultural pelo Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa ULisboa, Portugal. 

Carmen Cavaco, University of Lisbon

Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação/Formação de Adultos Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


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How to Cite

Silva, M. das N., & Cavaco, C. (2024). Life stories and experiential learning of retired adults. Perspectiva, 42(2), 1–15.



Sujeitos(as) e políticas públicas no âmbito da Educação de Pessoas Jovens, Adultos