Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023): Dossiê: Conceitos e Concepções de liberdade

Freedom was one of the central concepts on which modern science and society have evolved. From its expansion and diversification developed social and religious pluralism, scientific advancement, the rule of law, and individual rights. The various spheres in which freedom needs to be structured generate inevitable conflicts, which if not clearly understood, delimited, and regulated, can collapse under their very foundation. In this sense, pleas arise for a freedom not to be vaccinated, to misinform, to legally impose religious positions, to teach creationism in schools, to buy weapons or to deforest, all of these are examples of situations that our society faces and will be decisive in defining the future of democracy, society and science, or lack thereof. This open-access issue aims to analyze the various concepts and perspectives that freedom has assumed since modern philosophy, in the traditions of republicanism, liberalism, and conservatism, also considering various spheres, such as the social, religious, academic, aesthetic, legal, political, and intergenerational spheres. The purpose is to evaluate how freedom interacts with political and social equality and how it operates as a value capable of mobilizing political action.to evaluate how freedom interacts with political and social equality and how it operates as a value capable of mobilizing political action. The issue will accept articles that deal with the reconstruction and historical contextualization of the concept of freedom, as well as articles that propose to analyze problems concerning the theme of freedom.

Published: 2023-12-13

Dossiê: Conceitos e concepções de liberdade / Concepts and conceptions of