CNPq: research support policies in Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s Administrations (FHC)


  • Adriano de Oliveira UFSC - Florianopólis - SC
  • Lucídio Bianchetti



This article is the result of a study undertaken to analyze research support policies and the contribution to the education of researchers in Brazil during the government of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002). The research methodology uses document analysis of laws, reports, meeting minutes, journals, newspapers and scientific policy documents. Among a series of issues considered, we highlight the presentation and analysis of data that indicate the priorities in terms of researcher training and support from CNPq. In relation to the policy of education for researchers, we highlight the measures that provoked a slowdown in the process of education of masters and doctoral students and the priority given to scientific initiation and to the doctorate in detriment to the master’s degree. In addition, there has been a process of inducement to the education of researchers and support for areas considered strategic to the country’s development. Another factor that works against an effective educational policy for researchers is the restriction on funding. Data from the first two years of the Lula government do not indicate a change in the direction of these policies.



How to Cite

Oliveira, A. de, & Bianchetti, L. (2006). CNPq: research support policies in Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s Administrations (FHC). Perspectiva, 24(1), 161–182.