“In the Company of a Homosexual”: Labour and Law in Queer Body
queer, body, LGBT , labourAbstract
Elias was indemnified in court because a supervisor took a photo of him “in the company of a homosexual” and released it to colleagues, who ridiculed and humiliated him in the workplace. Diana was also compensated for being morally harassed by her sector manager, for being a lesbian. “As she wanted to be a man”, according to him, the heaviest work was attributed to her. In addition, Elias and Diana suffered work accidents: he, falling off a motorcycle, she, contaminating herself with ammonia. The article parts from the examination of documents from two judicial cases, in a queer perspective, to discuss the centrality of the body and the production normality at work. It explores the coupling of normative circles of labour, gender and sexuality and tries to understand how labor law is involved in the constitution of queer precariousness, as part of the legal discipline of bodies.
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