Feminoabjections, lgbticides, and mariellecides: post-categories capable of stressing realities
Feminoabjections, Lgbticides, Mariellecides, Race/racismo, HomotransphobiaAbstract
From the analysis of the criminalization of lgbtphobia underpinned the anti-racism legislation by the Brazilian Supreme Court, we discuss the implications and discursive effects of understanding homotransphobia as species of racism. We propose to reflect on the possibilities they produce through the creation of post-categories to tension realities in opposition to the categorical logic founded on colonial modernity. Phobia has become insufficient for the totality that it would demand. We emphasize the post-categories lgbticides and mariellecides (both in the plural) would discursively denounce deaths and assassinations resulting from different forms of abjection and subalternization. Likewise, feminoabjections consist of gear capable of joining groups, which makes them different without disregarding their historical-political différances.
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