Nobel Prize as an influencing factor in researchers' citations: an analysis of Chemistry and Physics laureates (2005 to 2015)




Nobel Prize, Analysis of Citations, Chemistry, Physics


Objective: Analyzes the influence on citation rates by researchers who were awarded the Nobel Prize in the areas of Physics and Chemistry from 2005 to 2015. It investigates the relationship between being awarded the Nobel Prize and the increase in citation rates from award-winning researchers. To do so, it sought to: a) characterize the performance evaluation process of the Nobel Prize and the citation indexes; b) present the citation indexes of Nobel winners; c) identify whether citation rates are influenced by the Nobel Prize.

Methods: Conducts an exploratory research and comparative study, based on the citation studies for analysis and discussion of the collected data.

Results: The Nobel Prize shows signs of influence on the citation rates of researchers in the areas studied. He considers that the survey of information had the purpose of understanding this dynamic in science that provided data on scientific production and researchers through a Nobel Prize that is important and that cooperates for the advancement of knowledge.

Conclusions: In the Web of Science and Scopus databases, situations were identified in which the peak citation of most researchers in the field of Physics pointed to the peak after being contemplated with NOBEL. In the area of ??Chemistry, at the Scopus Base, although the peak had occurred in the majority after the award, such difference was not as evident as in the Web of Science. It is suggested for future studies more detailed analysis of the citation indexes (and even the inclusion of other indexes, such as the h-index); coverage of other scientific areas of the Nobel Prize; inclusion of the Google Scholar base in the comparison.


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Author Biographies

Jailiny Fernanda Silva Stanford, Seminário Teológico Batista do Norte do Brasil (STBNB), Recife, Brasil

Mestre em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI/UFPE_

Fábio Mascarenhas e Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)Departamento de Ciência da InformaçãoPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI/UFPE)

Doutor em Ciência da Informação pela USP.

Docente do Departamento de Ciência da Informação (UFPE) e do PPGCI/UFPE


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How to Cite

STANFORD, Jailiny Fernanda Silva; SILVA, Fábio Mascarenhas e. Nobel Prize as an influencing factor in researchers’ citations: an analysis of Chemistry and Physics laureates (2005 to 2015). Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, [S. l.], v. 26, p. 01–25, 2021. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2021.e73786. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.

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