A proposal of didactic sequence to discuss ethnic-racial relations (Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08) in the classes of Sciences and Physics
One of the greatest challenges of the basic education in Brazil in the 21st Century is the implementation of Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08, which make compulsory to include the teaching of History of Africa, Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Culture in the curricula of Brazil’s educational institutions, in the fighting for a more egalitarian society. However, from the practical point of view, the current debate around the cited Laws as well as the pedagogical and didactic practices developed in the schools are almost exclusively restricted to the initiatives made within the disciplines of the Human and Social Sciences. Anchored in theoretical references of Cultural Astronomy and Paulo Freire’s Dialogical Theory, the present work presents a diversified Didactic Sequence with the objective of allowing, in the classes of Sciences and Physics of basic education, although the Didactic Sequence can also be applied in higher education, a large discussion about the historical, cultural, and scientific assumptions of the African, Indian and so-called Western sky. Having constellations in various cultures as a starting point, the present work joins initiatives that seek to articulate the guarantee of human and social rights and respect for ethnic-racial diversity. It is, therefore, a simple example, through a virtual object of learning and a didactic material constructed in class, of how Science and Physics classes can contribute in the basic education, with a more critical, antiracist, emancipatory and diverse education, taking into account the different alterities, that is, the “other".
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Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil - - - eISSN 2175-7941 - - - está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons > > > > >