Theoretical influences and the Socio-cultural Context in the Scientific Technical Work of James Prescott Joule: Contributions to the Formation of Physics Teachers
We describe here partial outcomes of a study in which we seek to unveil the historical-sociocultural influences that permeated the technical-scientific work of James Prescott Joule and show his contributions to the physics teachers training. We tried to answer the following question: What were the theoretical, social and cultural elements that influenced Joule's work? In this sense, we present a brief history of the development of science in the period of the Industrial Revolution, as well as the industrial development of Greater Manchester, in which Salford is part of its metropolitan region, city where Joule was born and grew up. Next we show the importance and the cultural influence of the social and academic environment of Joule and of theoretical elements that influenced, mainly, the works on Joule effect and the mechanical equivalent of the heat. From the study carried out, we organized some notes aimed at contributing to the teachers’ training.
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