About the Journal

The Perspectiva journal, established in 1983, is a publication of the Center for Educational Sciences at UFSC, which aims to disseminate academic production on education and the theoretical and critical deepening of themes and advances in discussions on issues in the educational field and research produced in Brazil and abroad.

Perspectiva publishes national and international texts that focus on education, especially those resulting from completed research, of a theoretical or empirical nature, that present contributions on hot topics in the area.

From 2021 onwards, the journal will adopt the continuous flow publication modality, with four open issues simultaneously, which receive the articles as soon as they are accepted and diagrammed.

Access the "countinuous editions" menu for the latest publications.


Current Issue

Vol. 42 No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2024-03-07

Article Demand for Continuous

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