Contributions of socialist pedagogy for childhood education in the Landless Workers' Movement
The discussion about the conception of education and child education guided by the socialist educational presuppositions influences the practices and theoretical productions that the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) has developed in its three decades of existence. This article presents convergences between the conception of childhood and the education of the authors of the Socialist Pedagogy and the educational proposal for the MST children’s education. For this, the bibliographical research with the revision of the precursors of the modern conception of childhood (ARIÈS, 1981; POSTMAN, 1999; KLEIN 2009; MELLO, 2007), of the Socialist Pedagogy (PISTRAK, 2009, 2000, SUSCHUDOSLSKI, 1978; SHUGIN, 2013) and the design of the MST (MST, 2004; 2005; CALDART 2000; DALMAGRO, 2010) for the education of children. Among the main conclusions, we emphasize that the revised bibliographies understand the child and his education as a product of historically constructed social relations. The child, although it has different specificities from adults, is inserted in the same society, and therefore, the attempt to separate it from the relations of production and reproduction of concrete social life is illusory.
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