

  • Arvi Sepp Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Philippe Humblé
  • Guillermo Sanz Gallego Universiteit Gent
  • Désirée Schyns Universiteit Gent



Bibliographies de l'auteur

Arvi Sepp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Universiteit Antwerpen

Arvi Sepp studied German and English Philology, Sociology, and Literary Theory in Leuven, Louvain-la-Neuve, Berlin and Gießen. He is currently Professor in German Literature and Culture at the University of Antwerp and in Translation Studies and German at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He was awarded the Fritz Halbers Fellowship Award (Leo Baeck Institute), the Tauber Institute Research Award (Brandeis University), the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Award, and the Prix de la Fondation Auschwitz. His research interests center on comparative literature, twentieth-century German (Jewish) literature, literary translation, migration and exile, and popular (German and American) culture. He published on translation studies, autobiography studies, German-Jewish literature, and literary theory. He has recently published the book-length study Topographie des Alltags. Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Lektüre von Victor Klemperers Tagebüchern 1933-1945 (2016).


E-mail: arvi.sepp@uantwerpen.be / arvi.sepp@vub.be

Philippe Humblé

Philippe Humblé studied Romance Philology at the KULeuven and holds a doctoral degree in bilingual lexicography (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina / University of Birmingham). For twenty-five years he taught Spanish language and literature, bilingual lexicography and the use of corpora at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil). Since 2009, he teaches Spanish translation and Intercultural Communication at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He has published on translation studies, corpora studies and intercultural relations in translation. 

E-mail: Philippe.Humble@gmail.com

Guillermo Sanz Gallego, Universiteit Gent

GUILLERMO SANZ GALLEGO holds a joint PhD from both the University of Seville (Spain) and the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He lectures in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at Ghent University, Belgium, where he is also Head of the International Postgraduate Programme Dutch & Translation. He has essays published both in peer-reviewed journals – Arbor, Atlantis, Scientia Traductionis, Filter, Genetic Joyce Studies, Papers on Joyce, Journal of Modern Literature, The James Joyce Literary Supplement – as well as in books on his main fields of study, which are Translation Studies, James Joyce, censorship, propaganda, and the Spanish Civil War.

E-mail: Guillermo.SanzGallego@ugent.be

Désirée Schyns, Universiteit Gent

Désirée Schyns est maître de conférences en traduction français-néerlandais et en traductologie à la Faculté de Lettres et de Philosophie de l'université de Gand. Elle a publié de nombreux articles et chapitres sur la traduction de textes multilingues, (dans un contexte postcolonial) et d'autre part, sur la mémoire culturelle relative à la guerre d'Algérie dans la littérature algérienne francophone. Elle est membre du comité de rédaction de la revue transnational de traductologie Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen et travaille aussi comme traductrice littéraire.

E-mail: Desiree.Schyns@ugent.be




Comment citer

Sepp, A., Humblé, P., Gallego, G. S., & Schyns, D. (2018). Apresentação. Cadernos De Tradução, 38(1), 10–18. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2018v38n1p10




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