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Goal: To analyze the contribution of Knowledge Management (KM) practices in the development of high-performance work systems (STAD) in public universities. Therefore, we seek to theoretically relate the themes GC and STAD; identify KM practices in the public university; verify Communities of Practice (CoP) as a tool to enhance STAD in public universities.
Design½ Methodology½ Approach: This is qualitative research using the bibliographic and documentary research method. With a functionalist approach, the sampling was obtained through documentary research on the website of a federal public university, chosen due to its particularity of being formed by thirteen campuses, thus demonstrating the adoption of KM practices that contribute to the management of institutional information and knowledge.
Results: Relating the KM and STAD themes made it possible to identify the existence of several KM and HRM practices in a public university, which favors the implementation of STAD, which are not widespread in government organizations. Additionally, the searches did not identify the existence of an institutionalized CoP in the higher education institution (HEI), which makes it possible to suggest its implementation.
Originality½ Value: Propose the implementation of a CoP through the development of a virtual environment or a training and job training system, in a collective action of Information Technology (IT) and Human Resources Management (HRM) designed for the institution and its employees, in order to align organizational knowledge with institutional goals and objectives.
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