Reflying raven: a new O Corvo




The Raven, Edgar Allan Poe, Transcrieation, Nevermore


I present an updated version of my translation of the poem The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe, into Brazilian Portuguese, followed by a study on the concepts that guided the practice and comments regarding the creative choices of the process. I open the discussion with the question of untranslatability in poetry; then, I explore the concepts of “transcreation” and “paramorphy”, as proposed by the Brazilian translator Haroldo de Campos; finally, I return to the concepts to address them in the poems The Raven and O Corvo, especially with regard to how the rhythmic, rhymic and alliterative patterns are decisive for the construction of the poem’s meanings. I comment on specific choices made in the process of translation, with extra attention to the paronomastic effects between “Lenore nevermore” and “Raven never”, also considering the choices of some previous translations. I argue that the creative attitude on translation of poetry is decisive for the potentiation of effects that are beyond the semantic surface of poetic texts.


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How to Cite

Palavro, B. (2023). Reflying raven: a new O Corvo. Cadernos De Tradução, 43(1), 1–24.

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