Needs Analysis and Student Opinions on Translation Competence in the Field of Economic, Commercial and Financial Translation


  • José Ramón Calvo-Ferrer Universidad de Alicante



translator competence, economic translation, needs analysis, higher education, specialised languages


The notion of competence has gained great relevance both in the European Higher Education Area and in translation studies, where research has attempted to explain the different skills underlying translation practice. However, despite the existence of extensive research on specialised languages, on the notion of translation competence and on the professional translators' and interpreters' opinions regarding whether taught competencies are suited to the labour market, there is little research regarding students' views on the subject. Considering the importance of economic translation within the context of specialised languages, this study examines, by means of a needs analysis, the opinion of undergraduate and postgraduate students on competences in Translation and Interpreting studies and the most appropriate activities to acquire them in the field of economic, commercial and financial translation.


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How to Cite

Calvo-Ferrer, J. R. (2023). Needs Analysis and Student Opinions on Translation Competence in the Field of Economic, Commercial and Financial Translation. Cadernos De Tradução, 43(1), 1–37.

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