Censorship of Mario Vargas Llosa's novel "The Time of the Hero" in the Soviet Union (Soviet Russia and Georgia)




Parole chiave:

The Time of the Hero, Censorship, Soviet Russia, Georgia


In Mario Vargas Llosa's first novel, "The Time of the Hero", the author describes his adventures and experiences as a Peruvian. Vargas Llosa exposes the vices, racial and class prejudices, machismo and corruption of Peruvian society during his adolescence. He clearly depicts Peru through his eyes, his real face. The work fought against Francoist censorship for almost a year, and was eventually published in Spain with only eight changes. Novel censorship has long been the object of research in many scholarly works in Spain. In this article, we will discuss the censorship of the novel in Soviet Russia and, consequently, in Georgia. The censorship of the USSR was much harsher than the Francoist censorship of the work. The article analyzes the changes made to the work by the USSR censorship and the consequences of these changes.

Biografia autore

Nino Jokhadze, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Nino Jokhadze is PhD student of Romance Literature (Spanish), the Department of Romance Philology at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia), Faculty of Humanities, Master of Romance Philology (2016) and Bachelor of American Studies (2014). She has participated in Eras-mus + program and within the program scholarship, she studied at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The title of her dissertation is Literary Censorship and Mario Vargas Llosa's novel “The City and the Dogs”. Her research areas are Spanish Language and Literature, Latin-American Literature

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Meseguer, Purificación. “La Traducción como Arma Propagandística: Censura de Orwell, Abellio y Koestler en la España Franquista”. Quaderns de filologia. Estudis literaris, 20, p. 107-122, 2015. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7203/qf-elit.v20i0.7532

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Come citare

Jokhadze, N. (2022). Censorship of Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel "The Time of the Hero" in the Soviet Union (Soviet Russia and Georgia). Cadernos De Tradução, 42(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2022.e84119

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