The construction of pedagogical material for the game teaching and the educative process in Physical Education critical-overcomer


  • Gislei José Scapin Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Maria Cecília da Silva Camargo Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Maristela da Silva Souza Federal University of Santa Maria
  • Leandra Costa da Costa Federal University of Santa Maria ria
  • Carine Marques Charão Secretary of Education of the State of Rio Grande do Sul



This study was originated in Supervised Curricular Internships (SCI) of Physical Education Course – UFSM. Period which there was the need of construct pedagogical material for tract with the content game. We objected the importance of the student participation in construction of pedagogic material for their educative process. Methodologically it’s scheduled by an experience report. We use systematic class records with a student class of 4th year of State Web Teaching of Santa Maria – RS. We elaborate our work proposal and we lapped our results with base in the Pedagogy Historical – Critique and in Critique Conception – Overcomer. As contributions we stand out the capacity to analyze reality, appropriation o new pedagogical materials and enlargement of body culture. We conclude that the contributions exceed the contact with new bodily practices and express the capacity of transform collectively the school scenery.

Author Biographies

Gislei José Scapin, Federal University of Santa Maria

Specialist in Physical School Education - Federal University of Santa MariaMaster's Degree in Physical Education - Federal University of Santa Maria

Maria Cecília da Silva Camargo, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD in Human Movement Sciences -Federal University of Rio Grande do SulProfessor of the Department of Individual Sports

 - Federal University of Santa Maria

Maristela da Silva Souza, Federal University of Santa Maria

Doctor of Science of Human Movement - Federal University of Santa MariaProfessor of the Department of Individual Sports

 - Federal University of Santa Maria

Leandra Costa da Costa, Federal University of Santa Maria ria

Doctor of Education -  Federal University of Santa MariaProfessor of the Department of Individual Sports

 - Federal University of Santa Maria

Carine Marques Charão, Secretary of Education of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

Master in Physical Education -Federal University of Santa MariaTeacher of the state public - State of Rio Grande do Sul


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How to Cite

SCAPIN, Gislei José; CAMARGO, Maria Cecília da Silva; SOUZA, Maristela da Silva; COSTA, Leandra Costa da; CHARÃO, Carine Marques. The construction of pedagogical material for the game teaching and the educative process in Physical Education critical-overcomer. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, v. 32, n. 61, p. 01–20, 2020. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2020e61616. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.



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