The service for remodeling technical professional education in schools of craftsman apprentices: a place of expertise for technical professional education
History of Mathematics Education, History of Professional Education, Mathematics EducationAbstract
This article aims to characterize the Technical Professional Education Remodeling Service as a place of expertise. For this purpose, we seek to understand how the Remodeling Service commission invested in inspection work as a diagnostic tool. Either, understand how inspections have become knowledge that allows adjusting teaching methods, in particular, teaching mathematics. As a theoretical reference, the concept of expertise will be used to interpret the Remodeling Service as an institutional place capable of generating knowledge and experiences recognized by the government, within the scope of technical professional education. As research sources for this study, the Reports of the Ministério da Agricultura, Indústria e Comércio and materials prepared by the Remodeling Service were used. In addition, secondary sources were used, such as consolidated literature on the proposed theme and newspaper articles of the time, which contributed information. As a result, it appears that the Remodeling Service is initially based on an expertise that is developed in other knowledge and experiences, especially with regard to management logic, which implies the restructuring of mathematics teaching, which changes the transmission logics of the contents of knowledge and practices. With this, it is understood that this expertise of the Remodeling Service will shape the Professional Technical Education Network established with the Schools of Craftsman Apprentices (SCAs).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Cleber Schaefer Barbaresco, Flavia Caraiba de Castro, Renata Feuser Silveira, David Antonio da Costa
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