Autonomy of the Duplicate Woman and the Seduction of Strangeness in Tarkovsky’s Solaris




Woman, Tragic Conscience, Strangeness, Tarkovsky, Solaris


Tarkovsky’s Solaris converts Stanislaw Lem’s science fiction into a tragic drama: not only a problem of conscience, but also a dilemma of action. If there is a dramatic antihero, Kris Kelvin, there is also a tragic heroine, Hary, both antagonistic and complementary forms of the same conscience. Some effects of such hypothesis unfold, in successive order of the experience of strangeness: the
dread, the seduction, the familiarity in the relationship with the double. However, there is a higher degree in the fantastic character of this drama: the autonomy of the duplicate woman, her discourse as well as her decision in the outcome, attitudes which allow for a feminist interpretation of the film.
Hary’s speech represents a critique of the historical and existential condition of woman, and Hary, on the other hand, embodies an inauthentic subjectivity according to Simone de Beauvoir’s thinking.


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Author Biography

Jason de Lima e Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professor de Filosofia do Centro de Ciências da Educação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Líder do grupo Filosofia, arte e educação, vinculado ao Diretório de pesquisa do CNPq. Editor da série Filosofia, arte e educação da Apoloro virtual edições.


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How to Cite

de Lima e Silva, J. (2022). Autonomy of the Duplicate Woman and the Seduction of Strangeness in Tarkovsky’s Solaris. Revista Estudos Feministas, 30(2).




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