Translation studies and comparative literature: Conflict and complementarity


  • Walter Carlos Costa Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Universidade Federal do Cerá



Translation Studies had in its beginnings, a complex relationship with Comparative Literature, marked by conflict and complementarity, as many of its founders came from literary studies, and some of Comparative Literature itself. Over the past four decades, we can distinguish two main trends occurring unevenly in both disciplines. On the one hand, Translation Studies experienced a robust growth, with expansion of its research objects and certain detachment of literary studies. On the other hand, Comparative Literature has been gradually opening to the translation phenomenon and the very discipline of Translation Studies. The initial conflict disappeared and the dialogue was restricted to a portion of Translation Studies, which we might call the Literary Translation Studies and Comparative Literature. This is particularly true in Brazil, where literary translation studies occupy an important space in graduate programs, particularly in the specific programs of translation studies.

Author Biography

Walter Carlos Costa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Universidade Federal do Cerá

Estudou Filologia Românica na Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Bélgica). Tem Doutorado sobre as traduções de Borges para o inglês pela University of Birmingham, Reino Unido e Pós-Doutorado pela UFMG. É professor do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, pesquisando literatura hispano-americana (sobretudo a obra de Jorge Luis Borges), Literatura Comparada, Estudos da Tradução (especialmente a conexão entre literatura traduzida e literatura nacional) e literatura fantástica francesa. Foi presidente da Abrapt (Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Tradução, na gestão 2010-2013). Atualmente está em colaboração técnica no Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. E-mail:



How to Cite

Costa, W. C. (2015). Translation studies and comparative literature: Conflict and complementarity. Cadernos De Tradução, 35(esp. 1), 31–43.

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