Teachers training practical challenges for the use of applications as pedagogical resources
The Digital Era brought many changes in how society interacts and acts. As a result, the school’s universe is affected as well, reconfiguring itself drastically. Teacher’s and student’s roles are redesigned, motivated especially by a new student's cognitive profile, the unique student. In this context, the article presents a discussion about the practical challenges of teachers' training for the use of media in the classroom, focusing on the compression of the pedagogic potential use of the mobile application as a pedagogical resource. For that, were analyzed qualitatively the results of a research made with Florianópolis/SC public schools’ teachers. From the teacher’s answers come up practical challenges for the digital technologies’ integration in the classroom about the application: comprehension of the pedagogical potential of the available resources and the necessary methodologies changes for its application; the lack of infrastructure investments at school; and yet the insufficient teacher training for the pedagogical technologies. As a result, are proposed possible methodologies ways to facilitate this integration, as well showing examples of the applications used as digital pedagogical resources, highlighting how important is the structural support for these changes could be made in the classroom.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Juliana Cristina Faggion Bergmann, Gabriela Marçal Nunes, Kadhiny Mendonça de Souza Policarpo, Maria Paula Cruz Fonseca
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