Analysis of the Translation Activity in the Process of Materials Design for Learning Zapotec as L2


  • María del Sagrario Velasco García Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca
  • Mariana Vásquez Jiménez Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca
  • Kalinka Velasco Zárate Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca



Oral literature, translation, adaptation, didactic materials, Zapotec


The aim of this study was to analyze the way in which translation mediates in the process of design and elaboration of materials based on Da Kresency/Don Crescencio, a story from the oral tradition of a Zapotec community, and its adaptation to a written script for the classroom of Zapotec as L2. This process was determined by the pedagogical objectives of the materials, the different types of knowledge of the agents involved in the task, such as language teaching, the local culture and tradition, as well as the source and target languages, which results into materials that can be used by language students who have different language proficiency levels. The analysis was done using the scheme of the constituents of the translational activity of Nord (2012). This allowed us to identify and visualize the translation process, the interventions of the people who elaborate the material in the text, their intentions, and purposes to produce it, as well as the dynamics that are established to give as a result the script in Zapotec as L2. It is concluded that translation and language didactics converge and support each other in productive ways that facilitate the elaboration of didactic material for the teaching of these languages.


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How to Cite

Velasco García, M. del S., Vásquez Jiménez, M., & Velasco Zárate, K. (2023). Analysis of the Translation Activity in the Process of Materials Design for Learning Zapotec as L2. Cadernos De Tradução, 43(1), 1–32.

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