National values in the translation of Kazakh literary works



Parole chiave:

translation, language, culture, literary works, functional-semantic meaning


This article examines the translation of Kazakh cultural objects in literary works, which holds significant importance for Kazakh language and culture. The article analyzes the significance of national hair ornaments and belts in the works of Kazakh writers and their translation into Russian and English. Kazakh people believe that the hair ornament sholpy protects a girl or a young woman from evil forces. This type of hair ornament has both material and spiritual significance in Kazakh culture. In Kazakh literary works, the value of the analyzed jewelry is connected with its affiliation to a person and social status. It is presented as a symbol of female beauty. The belt is a valuable piece of nomadic clothing and a highly valued sacred object in Kazakh culture. Specific functional and semantic meanings as well as translation in literary works have been considered. The importance of translation as a “golden bridge” between different cultures is on the rise. As in other spheres, the requirements for translation are updated depending on the purpose and stage. The anthropocentric trend in modern linguistics raises the question of the relationship between language, man and culture, and poses the task of being able to convey the world view of one nation in the language of another, preserving all cultural and spiritual characteristics, taking into account deep information about people’s background knowledge. The article also analyzes the problem of background knowledge and the peculiarities of translating Kazakh culture-specific elements with spiritual significance for the people. These elements should be taken into account when translating literary works.

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Come citare

Kozhakhmetova, G., Tazhibayeva, S., Abeshova, N., & Ibragimova, K. (2024). National values in the translation of Kazakh literary works. Cadernos De Tradução, 44(1), 1–14.

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