Echoes of the pandemic: Physical Education and the crises of our time...




Pandemic, Physical education, Utopia


The text intends to present the conception and importance of this session’s main theme, which aims to bring together contributions from different researchers, on the occasion of the 40th National Symposium on Physical Education, held by ESEF/UFPel (Pelotas, 2021). With the title Echoes of the Pandemic: Physical Education and the crises of our time, the Thematic Section proposes a dialogic, collaborative and critical reflection on the contemporary conjuncture, marked by a situation almost unimaginable until recently: a pandemic world situation, which has already claimed millions of lives, a war between nations in Europe, also sacrificing lives on a daily basis, and an absurd political scenario in the Brazilian environment. Facing this reality, the production of an organic and radical notion of utopia emerges even more urgently.


Author Biographies

Ricardo Rezer, UFPel

Doutor em Educação Física (UFSC), Docente da ESEF/UFPel, Pelotas/RS, Brasil

Mariângela da Rosa Afonso, UFPel

Doutora em Educação (UFRGS)

Docente da ESEF/UFPel, Pelotas/RS, Brasil

Inácio Crochemore-Silva, UFPel

Doutor em Epidemiologia (UFPEL),

Docente da ESEF/UFPel, Pelotas/RS, Brasil


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How to Cite

Rezer, R., Afonso, M. da R. ., & Crochemore-Silva, I. (2022). Echoes of the pandemic: Physical Education and the crises of our time. Motrivivência, 34(65).



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