A methodological proposal integrating the translation process into the study of cognitive effort


  • Diana Lorena Giraldo Ospina Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
  • Monica Naranjo Ruiz Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
  • Lina Clemencia Romero Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de Manizales




Translator Process, Cognitive Effort, Translog, Semantic content analysis, Triangulation


This paper presents a methodological proposal that integrates the translation process into studying the cognitive effort with the use of three instruments. Data triangulation accounts for such phenomena. Translation process research has used Translog to approach mental activities, such as cognitive effort. However, authors such as O’Brien (2006) suggest the use of complementary methods to have a comprehensive understanding of what occurs while translating. This paper aims to present a data collection model that includes the use of Translog as the main instrument to record the indicators of cognitive effort (time and typing pauses) during a translation process, a screen capture software that records the screen’s output, as well as retrospective interview to obtain verbal information from its users. In order to establish a relationship between cognitive effort and the translation process, a triangulation data method was used with the information collected from the aforementioned instruments, alongside conducting a semantic content analysis.


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Giraldo Ospina, D. L. ., Naranjo Ruiz, M., & Romero Ramírez, L. C. (2022). A methodological proposal integrating the translation process into the study of cognitive effort . Cadernos De Tradução, 42(1), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2022.e84845

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